Wednesday 13 July 2011

Organs on the Right Side of the Human Body

Are you wondering about the different organs on the right side of the human body? Refer to this article to understand the right oriented human organs and their functions.

Studying the human anatomy or the different parts of the body always fascinates us. After all, we are analyzing the organs and the coordination of the human body systems. When we take a glance at the external features of human beings, it appears quite symmetrical; the head the top center with its associated parts and two hands and two legs on each side of the head. Nevertheless, if you study the internal organs, you will agree to the point that human body is not symmetrical at all.

An organ is made up of a group of cells that coordinate to perform a specific bodily function. Together, organs make up an organ system for example; the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and excretory system. Coming to the point of discussion, specific organs are present on the left side and right side of the body, while some are located at the center, sharing both the orientations. This article highlights the organs on the right side of the human body.

What Organs are on Right Side of the Body?

When you check for organs on right side of body, you will come across many such organs that are located in the center. For simple understanding, let's take the example of the nose and mouth. These two vital organs are situated in the central plane that divides the body into two equal halves. So the nose and mouth are neither oriented to the left, nor to the right side of the body. Rather, we can say half of the organ is in the left and the other half in the right side. The following is a list of organs that are present on the right side of the body:

Being the largest organ of the human body, the skin is equally distributed both in the left side and right side of the human body. The skin performs the function of protection and elimination of waste products from the body, particularly by means of sweating or perspiration. Thus, the skin is an important organ of the defense and excretory system.

Right Brain
Take a look at the brain anatomy and parts of the brain, you will find that the right hemisphere is responsible for controlling certain functions, mostly pertaining to creative thinking, imagination and perception of audio and visual stimuli. Read more on diagram of the brain and its functions.

Right Eye
Be the right side or the left eye, the human eye is a visual organ that allows us to see things around us. It works in coordination with the brain to receive light waves and convert them into vision. The shape of the human eye is nearly round, which is retained by the aqueous humor. Read more on how does the human eye work.

Right Ear
Needless to say, the right ear is located in the right side of the human body. It collects sound waves from the surrounding environment and transfers them to the brain, which are then perceived by us in the form of audio sound. There are different parts of the human ear, which altogether works for sound perception. Read more on diagram of the ear and its function

Humans have a pair of breasts, one in the left side and the another present in the right side of the body. Functionally, the right breast is not different from the left breast. Histologically, they are a modified type of sweat glands, which produce breast milk in females. The main function of these glands is to nurture the newborn babies.

Right Lung
The right side lung is shorter than the left lung by about 5 cm. But, it is larger and has more volume than the left lung. Anatomically, the right lung has three unequal sized lobes, namely, superior, middle and inferior. Besides respiration, lungs are important for protection of the heart and regulation of blood pH. Read more on organs of the respiratory system.

Right Kidney
Kidneys are paired bean-shaped organs, located on either side of the spine. They are the primary organs of the urinary system. Before excreting body fluid as urine, the kidneys absorb essential nutrients and electrolytes. Thus, the right and left kidneys are also important for electrolyte balancing and nutrient re-absorption. Read more on histology of kidney.

One of the internal organs on right side of body is the liver, which is also the largest glandular organ. It is reddish brown in color and located underneath the diaphragm. Anatomically, the liver is divided into four unequal lobes. The main function of the liver is the secretion of enzymes for digestion of fats and maintenance of the blood glucose level.

Another right side organ of the human body is the gallbladder, a small organ that stores the bile juice secreted by the liver. It is divided into three different parts, viz. fundus, body and neck. The Gallbladder helps in the overall process of digestion, but there are no adverse effects even if it is removed from the body.

Small Intestine
Nearly half of of the small intestine is present on the right side of the human body. The duodenum is not actually an organ, but a part of the small intestine, which is oriented towards the right side. Over here, the digestive juices secreted by the pancreas and the liver are mixed together for food digestion. Read more on small intestine function.

Large Intestine
Similar to the small intestine, the large intestine is distributed both in the left and right side of the human body. Among the different parts of the large intestine, you will find the ascending colon and cecum towards the right hand side. The cecum is followed by the vermiform appendix, which is also an organ of the right side of the human body. Read more onlarge intestine anatomy.

The appendix is a small pouch shaped organ (about 10 cm in length), situated between the small intestine and the large intestine. It is preceded by the cecum and has no distinctive functions. Read more on appendix location.

Reproductive Organs
The reproductive organs, testes for males and ovaries for women are located in the central plane of the body. Thus, half of the reproductive organs are present in the left, while the remaining half is oriented towards the right side. They perform the function of producing gametes, which after fertilization give offspring. Read more on organs on left side of body.

With this information, I hope you have understood all about the various organs on the right side of the human body. Irrespective of the orientation, all the organs either on the left or right side, work in coordination for normal functioning of the body.

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